How Much Do You Know About 

Your Coverage?

Let us Give you a Quick Overview of Medicare

Medicare comprises of Part A, B, C, & D

How Medicare covers your Dental, Vision, & Hearing 

The same private companies that work with the government to supply your Part D 

also provide the medicare option Part C to have additional 

coverage through your plan. 

Additionally, members that have Medicare & Medicaid not only see 

$0 monthly healthcare plan premiums, but plan options that pay up to $200 towards household 

groceries, utilities, and over-the-counter products. 

That's Why Its Important To Talk To a Free Advocate About Your Plan Today! 

Let's discuss your specific insurance situation, 

we can help you where your at, and provide to you 

the contact information to the best insurance

 plans in your area. 

Free Licensed Advocates, Here to Help.

Let's Go, Medicare!

Call Today: 

(717) 500-1987